Montgomeryshire AM Russell George has raised concerns about ambulance response times in Powys after latest figures showed only 55 per cent of emergency call outs were reached within eight minutes.
Mr George said his rural constituents are concerned about the time it can take emergency ambulances to reach them and the latest figures reinforced their concern.
“The first few minutes of a medical emergency are the most critical and yet we are seeing just under half of all emergency call outs taking over eight minutes to reach their patients in Powys,” said Mr George.
“We live in a rural and dispersed community, but we still deserve response times that give anyone living in Montgomerysire the chance of quick and effective treatment when they need it in an emergency."
He added: “I praise the ambulance personnel we have in our area who are committed and do a great job. But more resources are needed to support their expertise and professionalism in order for them to reach 999 calls as quickly as possible.”
Figures revealed that in Powys in March this year there were 552 category A (immediate life threatening) call outs to the Welsh Ambulance Services (NHS) Trust. Of these only 293 were reached within eight minutes by an ambulance or paramedic.
“I will be seeking a response to these figures and intend discussing the levels of ambulance service and provision in Montgomeryshire with the Health Minister,” added Mr George.