Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, said he was disappointed that the First Minister could not agree with comments made by a UK Government Minister that onshore wind farms should no longer be imposed upon communities.
The comments came during weekly First Minister’s Questions (20th November), when the AM asked the First Minister what his priorities were for the people of Montgomeryshire. Mr George said he hoped that top of Mr Jones' priority list would be to stop the Mid Wales Connection Project as Welsh Government Minister’s would undoubtedly have the last word on whether the substation at Cefn Coch would get final planning approval. He also drew Mr Jones’ attention to recent comments made by the Conservative Minister of State at the Department for Energy and Climate Change, John Hayes MP, who said that ‘we can no longer have extremely inefficient and costly wind farms imposed upon communities— enough is enough’ and asked whether he agreed with what Mr Hayes had said.
In response, the First Minister told Mr George that it was the UK Government that has responsibility for grid connections and larger wind farm applications and he should rather direct his comments to the UK Government. He also stated that it was for Powys County Council in the first instance, to decide on the planning application for the substation and not the Welsh Government.
Commenting, Mr George said:
"I am very disappointed by the First Minister’s refusal to directly answer my question.
"Instead of his constant deflection of responsibility back to the UK Government he should be standing up for the people of Montgomeryshire.
"They are telling him that they want the Mid Wales Connection Project stopped but he refuses to listen.
"Rather he would have his government continue to work with National Grid and wind farm developers to desecrate the beautiful Mid Wales countryside.
"John Hayes is right – enough is enough – and it’s a shame that Carwyn Jones, the First Minister, is not prepared to publicly agree with his views"