Russell George has encouraged the residents of Powys to take part in the largest ever national crime survey which aims to investigate the true impact of crime on countryside communities.
Russell George, AM for Montgomeryshire, said:
“I’m calling for people who work or live in rural areas of Powys to provide their views on countryside crimes and the impact they have on the wider community.
“By taking part in the National Rural Crime Network survey, which is open until Wednesday 24th June, your views will influence how crime prevention and rural policing is shaped in the future.”
The full scale of crime in rural areas has never before been accurately assessed so this survey, backed by the Countryside Alliance and supported by the Home Office, is aiming to build a picture of what is a widespread but misunderstood issue.
Mr George added:
“Any crime that happens in an urban area can, and does, happen in rural areas too, including violent crime, traffic offences and anti-social behaviour. Crime can affect all those living and working in rural areas, with traditional farm-related incidents such as fuel theft and sheep rustling making up just one part of a much bigger problem.
“This important survey will help to shed light on the human implications of offences, showing it is not just victims who are affected, but communities as a whole. I urge everyone who can to take part in the survey to make our rural communities safer.”
The survey will be open until Wednesday 24th June. To complete the survey, visit