Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, has raised concerns that additional Welsh Government funding to improve services for children and young people with eating disorders, will only be focused on areas in South Wales.
Mr George, who is a member of the National Assembly’s Petition’s Committee, made the comments while the Committee took evidence on a petition submitted by Montgomeryshire woman, Helen Missen, who is asking the Welsh Government to properly fund specialist Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder services in Wales at the same level as adult services. Both Mrs Missen and the Minister for Health and Social Services, Prof Mark Drakeford AM, gave evidence to the Committee who have chosen to investigate this issue in more detail.
Yet, the session followed a Welsh Government statement made on 7th October, which announced additional annual funding of £250,000 to improve specialist services for children and young people with complex eating disorders in South Wales. The Government have stated that the funding will ensure Health Boards in South Wales are able to provide new specialist expertise to work with young people and their families and also improve the training and skills of existing staff.
Commenting, Mr George said:
“I think the compelling evidence that Helen has given the Committee over the past year clearly shows that there is a need for more targeted investment in Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder services right across Wales.
“It is widely accepted that the majority of eating disorders begin in childhood and early adolescence, therefore there is the need for early, appropriate intervention to ensure best outcomes for patients.
“I am concerned that the Minister’s announcement yesterday, although welcome, the benefits will only be felt by those young people living south of the M4 corridor.
“There has to be equity in service provision both between child and adolescent eating disorder services and adult services but there also needs to be parity of access and treatment across Wales.”
Petition P-04-408, raised by Helen Missen reads :
Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Service
We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to fund the Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Service in Wales to the same degree as the Adult Eating Disorder Service in Wales.
It has come to my attention that there is a disparity in funding between Adult Services and Child and Adolescent Services as regards funding for Eating Disorder Treatment. At the present time Adult Eating Disorder Services receive £1 million per year from the Welsh Assembly, as well as 4 specialist trained provider groups.
Sadly research points to the fact that Eating Disorders, especially Anorexia Nervosa, are predominantly first experienced around puberty. Historically puberty was around 12-15, however, puberty is becoming younger and therefore statistics are beginning to show the prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa starting at younger ages is apparent. Bulimia Nervosa is generally a disease with an onset age of 18-25, however as with Anorexia this may differ from person to person. The fact that in both disorders, and indeed all diagnosable Eating Disorders, early intervention is the key to a quick recovery, therefore preventing long term financial implications for the WAG, makes this plea more pertinent.
I therefore implore the Assembly to consider this a priority for debate and to mend this disparity by giving equal finances and services to the Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder service in Wales as already given to Adult EDS.