With the Welsh Government just a couple of weeks from announcing their preferred contractor for the Newtown Bypass, local politicians have said it is vital that businesses in the region reap the economic benefits of the £55m infrastructure project.
Welsh Government officials have recently confirmed that the announcement of the contractor to undertake the construction of the Bypass is now imminent.
Montgomeryshire AM, Russell George and MP, Glyn Davies, have said that to ensure the sustainability of the project, they hoped that as many local businesses as possible would benefit from the construction of the A483-A489 Newtown Bypass.
Commenting, Mr. Davies said:
"Of course we don’t know who has submitted bids for the contract but I hope a number of local construction companies are involved in the process and that Welsh ministers will see the benefits of this project being delivered locally.
"If the contract is not led locally, then it is crucial that as many businesses as possible profit from sub-contracts and supply chain procurement in a bid to boost employment and keep the lion share of that £55m within the Mid Wales economy."
Mr George, anticipates that the Bypass would be a catalyst for business growth in the region. He added:
"This project must aid the facilitation of long-term economic growth beyond the contract itself if we are really going to reap the full benefits of the new Bypass.
"This strengthening of the transport network, coupled with the development of Powys Growth Zones, will hopefully encourage companies to relocate to Mid Wales as they view the region as a good place to do business.
Newtown County Councillor, Peter Harries, hoped that Welsh Government ministers have specified in the project’s contract that the majority share of sub-contracts had to be procured locally. He said:
"I know of infrastructure projects in England commissioned by local authorities where they have put specific clauses in the contract to ensure that local sub-contractors were used.
"If the Government truly believes in a business-led regeneration of Mid Wales, then this project will be a good benchmark to see if they really walk-the walk rather than just talk the talk."