Following the sacking of the Minister for Natural Resources and Food, one local AM said that the Government must now focus on delivering for rural Wales.
Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, made the comments following the sensational sacking of the Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies AM. Mr Davies was dismissed for putting pressure on civil servants for private information about opposition AMs. He was already under scrutiny over his handling of plans for a racing circuit in his Blaenau Gwent constituency.
Mr George, who is also the Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Natural Resources, said that the actions of Mr Davies had been ‘inexcusable’ and there was no possibility of him remaining in his job.
His portfolio has now been divided up between three other ministers and there are no plans to appoint another dedicated minister to his former role.
Economy and Transport Minister Edwina Hart will look after agriculture, fisheries and food; Sport and Culture Minister John Griffiths has had environment added to his portfolio and Rebecca Evans is promoted from the backbenches to become deputy minister for agriculture and fisheries.
Commenting on Mr Davies’ departure, Mr George said:
"What the former minister did was a second clear-cut breach of the Ministerial Code in a week. However, his actions on this occasion were inexcusable and there was no possibility of him remaining in his role.
"It is concerning that there will be no dedicated ministerial lead on agricultural and environment issues; we have in effect gone back sixteen months when the portfolio was split between various ministers.
"The arrangement just wasn’t conducive for effectively scrutinising the government on issues like the Rural Development Plan and Glastir that cut across various departments.
"However, I welcome Mrs Hart as the lead Minister for Agriculture; she is a ‘can do’ individual who is prepared to engage but who also likes to get things done.
"It was no secret that Alun Davies was not particularly liked by the farming community because of his arrogant, high-hand approach to dealing with matters and with people; he just wasn’t prepared to listen.
"While the new arrangement is far from ideal, I hope the Welsh Government will now start listening to the views of rural Wales so that it can properly deliver for the needs of rural Wales."