Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, has welcomed the reassertion made by the First Minister for Wales that there will be no delay in delivering the Newtown Bypass project.
The AM raised the issue today (6th November) during weekly questions with Carwyn Jones AM, as local concerns have been raised regarding the delay of appointing the preferred contractor to construct the bypass.
Mr George told Mr Jones that hundreds of people had been told in a public meeting in Newtown during the summer that the bypass construction would start in late 2014,early 2015. Yet, he pointed out that in a recent Assembly Written Question from the Local Government and Communities Minister (attached below) the contractor would not be appointed until early in 2013. Mr George wanted to know why the appointment process had slipped and clarify whether it would have an effect on the overall timetable of the project.
Mr Jones responded by saying that the contractors would be appointed in the new year and confirmed that there would be no slippage on the construction date.
Commenting after First Minister’s Question Time, Mr George said:
“The Bypass is so important for the economy of Mid Wales and I’m pleased the First Minister has confirmed today that there will be slippage.
“However, I will continue to question him and his ministers on the project timetable right up to when the first car drives onto the new road, as well as continuing to push for a resolution to the current traffic problems in the short term.”
ON 08 OCTOBER 2012
Russell George (Montgomeryshire): Will the Minister confirm who the preferred contractor is for the Newtown Bypass, and if not, when do you expect to make this announcement. (WAQ61296)
Carl Sargeant: We are currently in the process of procuring a Contractor and it is anticipated this will be awarded in early 2013.