Concerns have been expressed by groups representing passengers about the possibility of splitting the current Aberystwyth to Birmingham International service, with trains on the Cambrian line terminating in Shrewsbury rather than Birmingham International, as they do now.
After questioning the First Minister, Russell George, the Assembly Member for Montgomeryshire, said:
“I have urged the First Minister to make strong representations to the joint Welsh and UK Government Working Group which is considering the services which will be operated by the replacement Wales and Border franchise from October 2018 onwards.
“Splitting services would mean those travelling to Birmingham and vice versa would have to change in Shrewsbury. This would severely inconvenience a large number of passengers and have a negative impact on the Mid Wales economy.
“It is fully expected that the Welsh Government will become the franchising authority for the Wales and Borders by early 2017 and this means that decisions about the next rail franchising affecting rail passengers will be taken in Wales.
“I will therefore be looking for the Welsh Government to make a cast iron commitment to retain direct services between Birmingham and Aberystwyth.”